
In Semproniano, a village at the foot of the Amiata, in the middle of August a festival is dedicated to this plate, but the lamb buglione is cooked everywhere in the Maremma, a land rich in sheep.sagra-del-buglione-capalbio-scalo
In ancient times it was a soup cooked in the fire of grassland with leftovers from the day before, presently only few restaurants that serve it have ‘softened’ strong flavors, removing garlic and chili, but the ‘professionals’ shepherds mix yet the leftover meat with herbs, tomatoes and wine or vinegar, and of course bread.butteri
All the various Buglioni, word that mean stock or broth and French says ‘buillon’, have in common meat lamb cooked in a sauce very soupy and the container, not the simple pan, but possibly a pot of coccio.
The variants are different and each village has its.maremma_storia-cultura (1)
In Sovana, Etruscan heart of the empire, it save the marinade, browned the lamb cutted into small pieces with olive oil, rosemary,chilli, garlic and of course salt.
White wine in place of the red, little tomato and water to complete the cooking.

1 kg of lamb cut into pieces
For the marinade:
1 liter of wine,
1 cup of vinegar,
2 sage leaves,
1 sprig of rosemary,
4 leaves of
1 carrot,
1 celery stalk,
1 onion.
For the buglione:
1 onion,
3 cloves of garlic,
50 g of bacon,
1 red pepper,
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil,
1 glass of red wine,
500g ripe tomatoes,
1 liter of broth of meat
12 slices of bread,
1 clove of garlic,


Put the lamb to marinate for at least 4-5 hours with wine, vinegar, sage leaves, the rosemary, basil and carrot, celery and onion cut into small pieces.
Mince the onion, the garlic, the bacon into small pieces and chilli, put to fry in a pan with high sides.
Remove the lamb from the marinade, dry and let them do the water in a non-stick pan on low heat.
When ready put the sauce in the pan and brown.buglione
When browned, moisten with a glass of red wine causing it to evaporate in cheerful fire.
Add the pureed tomatoes to the vegetables and stir.
Add salt and cook adding the hot stock gradually.
Toast the slices of bread, rubbed wit garlic, put them in the bowls of each guest, cover the slices with the gravy, let stand a few minutes and garnish with the pieces of lamb.

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