Squids with cream of peas with mint

A fresh, summer, easy to replicate recipe. Invited people to dinner and impress them with a magnificent dish, complete and elegant. From the presentation to the realization, nothing speaks in a hurry to impress diners.

1.5 kilos of squid, fresh
100 grams of dried tomatoes
500 grams of peas, fresh or frozen
30 grams of onions
10 grams of mint, fresh leaves
80 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil (EVO)
6 pinches of salt
1 pinch of black pepper, grounded

Put in a bowl dried tomatoes, cover them with warm water and let them come around.
Eviscerated, private skin and cut the squid into rings. Set aside. Shell your peas if you use fresh ones.
Heat a frying pan with a little olive oil, add the onion cut into very thin slices and let will brown a little. Add the peas, cook for a few minutes, then add a full glass of water and fresh mint. Cover and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes when it reaches a boil.
Transfer the peas in the glass of a mixer and blend it all, adding water if the consistency is too thick. Poured the puree of peas in a pan and set aside.
In a pan, pour a little oil, add the dried tomatoes cutted into strips, then raise the heat and add the squid. Stirring frequently, brown them for about 10 minutes, during which warm up even the puree. Compose the dish by placing one or more scoops of mushy peas with mint at the base, adding squid with tomatoes in the center and garnish with fresh mint leaves and freshly ground pepper.

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