Di Nunzio, dried fruits and legumes

Di Nunzio LTD is one of the leading companies in Italy engaged in the production, processing and marketing of legumes and dried fruit. Born in the fifties, with the transformation of the neighboring Campania hazelnuts and a business run on strictly local, Di Nunzio today has a wide range of products of own production is completed and enriched by products grown by leading manufacturing companies, placing as one of the national player of reference in both the legumes is in the dried fruit.

From the virtuous marriage of tradition and technology development comes the quality process, developed and implemented by Di Nunzio in order to ensure the highest standards of sanitation
for products with high quality produced without the use of GMOs.
The checks carried out along the entire production stage, from raw materials to semi-finished and finished products, allowing the Di Nunzio for ensuring non-alteration of food at all stages of climatic as well as full traceability of each product from manufacturing to the table.
Di Nunzio directly coordinates the production of gry legumes of about 50 farms in Puglia, particularly concentrated in the area of the alto Tavoliere Daunia and Gargano. Cleaning, removal of stones, calibration, and the complete product selection is done directly by Di Nunzio at its plants.

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