Magazzini del Caffè

caffe_bigThe direct control of the entire chain, the great flexibility and utmost attention to product innovation, processing and marketing systems, make “Magazzini del caffè SpA” an extraordinary novelty in the coffee producers industry.
Magazzini del Caffè SpA has been established in 2003 with the express intent of distinguishing itself as the sole Italian roasting company directly overseeing all processes and production stages of coffee: from coffee cultivation in Brazilto producing our premium range of roasted coffee blends in Italy.

The total control of the coffee production, processing and supply chain must be regarded as the best guarantee for maintaining the highest quality constant over time.
In fact, the hands-on management and control during all cultivation, production, selection of the green coffee, roasting and packaging stages, ensure the highest possible quality standards.
The constant and significant growth in business volume reflects the worth and validity of the Company’s fundamental choices and activities undertaken in pursuance of its mission.


In collaboration with leading research institutes and universities, Magazzini del Caffè promotes research projects for the further improvement of its production processes and the development and patent protection of innovative products, also with the support of national and EU funding and incentives.


The “DREAM” of being able to throw the used capsules into the organic waste bin is now a close reality! Magazzini del Caffè SpA is in the process of incorporating and adapting to its capsules a compostable material suitable to withstand the high temperatures and pressures to which coffee capsules are subjected during coffee brewing.
Achieving compostability is a complex matter since, in fact, according to the EU norm EN 13432, the characteristics a compostable material must show are:
absence of negative effects on the composting process
low levels of contamination on the compost
compliance with the chemical-physical parameters set out by the norm


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