Open an Al Bacio’s Store

AlBacio_Logo_Quadrato_300x300_pixelWORK WITH AL BACIO

Working with us never been so easy! All you need is a lot of willpower and passion for italian culture and food. If you want to become ambassadors of “Made in Italy” all over the world this is what you need:


The Al Bacio’s Check Point Pasta is a store composed of “functional modules” that work together:


 Minimum surface sm. 38-40, with an entrance communicating to the outside of 4,00×4,00 meters. The store must have a regular shape, with no gradients or steps, with a minimum length of 7,50 meters and a minimum height of 3,00.


A transparent module, where costumers can see the chefs working. Minimum surface of sm. 12,00 and a minimum height of lm. 3,00. The room must be connected to the back counter of the sails module.


 Minimum surface sm. 6,00 with access from the store to keep the shelves always full.


The store must have separated toilets both for the costumers and the employees:

– minimum size required by the current building regulations .

– floor and walls must be made in a material that can be easily cleaned and disinfected.

– Indipendent acces from the kitchen and the store trough an anteroom.

– An accessible toilet for people with disabilities.


A place where the costumer can taste our amazing products, composed by a degustation area and a snack zone.


The “Check Point Pasta AL BACIO” is not just a place where you can buy and taste italian food, we give the possibility to stay for the meal and try our fresh pasta made under your eyes in the LAB MODULE!

All the modules composing the “Check Point Pasta AL BACIO” must be:

A) Being “healthy” to ensure appropriate sanitary conditions and shall be designed and constructed to achieve an appropriate isolation from:

– Humidity, of whatever origin and nature, ensuring that the walls are inherently dry;

– Temperature range and noise sources;

– Penetration of animals, taking care that all the vents are properly protected with grills or other suitable devices;

B) Have lots of transparent walls.

C) Be equipped with a water system for the distribution of drinking water inside, and electrical plant conformed with the legislation in force, as well as a facility for the disposal of wastewater.

D) Be equipped with a flue and / or ducts for cooking smoke.

E) No architectural barriers.

F) Have a height of the local minimum altitudes prescribed by current regulations for places of residence and places of work.



a giorno che si sviluppa a tutt’altezza ed utilizzabile per la collocazione e la vendita “self service” dei prodotti con lo specifico marchio “Al Bacio”, rigorosamente “Made in Italy” e secondo una filiera di produzione garantita.

The main entrance is caracterised by a big transparent automatic door, preceded by a covered outdoor area used for the administration of fresh pasta and fast snacks.

In the store, in the entrance hallway, near the cash counter, is placed a wall decorated with a large shelving unit used for the placement and sale “self service” of products with the specific brand “Al Bacio”, “Made in Italy” made in a chain of production totally guaranteed.

A sales counter having a second refrigerated display case for the placement and exposure of fresh products which lends itself as a “hinge” between a service counter area and the ​​tasting area.


Il retro banco sarà caratterizzato da due parti: nella parte inferiore predisposto per ospitare celle frigorifere munite di antine in vetro; nella parte superiore l’arredo dovrà prevedere scaffalature a giorno con piani inclinati tipici negli arredi per panetterie; il tutto necessario per facilitare l’esposizione di vassoi di prodotti già confezionati e altri leccornie.

The rear bench will be characterized by two parts: the lower part designed to accommodate cold rooms equipped with glass doors; at the top of the furniture should include open shelving with inclined planes typical furnishings for bakeries.

In front of the bench a modular wall system will host, alternately, open shelving with adjustable shelves for display of cans, boxes and various products and articles; Toilets equipped with closure and adjustable shelves in tempered glass for valuable products.

Behind the wall system, there will be shaped snack tables equipped with stools, for the administration of the dishes. In the final part of the “Sale Module” there will be assorted “dispenser” of Italian pasta brands, specially selected for the store.


Brushed stainless steel, oak wood, resin scarlet red and extra-clear tempered glass, will be the main materials present in the “Check Point Pasta Al Bacio.”



Frame exterior, windows and structures of the tables, chairs, lamps, picture frames and pictures of monitors in the room will need to be brushed steel or painted steel look.


The flooring is wooden slatted oak, the floating type interlocking treated in a natural way.


The ductility and resistance of the resin allow you to finish the front of the counter, tables and furniture with a shade of red reminiscent of the logo. In particular, the “counter top” of the service of the counter will be finished with transparent resin.


vetro-temperatoEXTRA CLEAR GLASS

The windows display, the hanging lamps are made ​​of transparent glass such as “extra light” to make more realistic the product without that effect green.

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