Pisarei e faso


for 4 people

300 g grated stale bread images.jpg
100 g of white flour
40 g of butter
450 g of dried beans
50 g of tomato sauce
3 cloves garlic
lard pounded (pistà ‘d grass)
olive oil
an onion
a handful of grated Grana Padano


Prepare the dough, mixing little by little the flour to breadcrumbs pouring boiling water long enough to have a soft and elastic dough. From this detached pieces and give them the shape of breadsticks.

Unplug small pieces (1cm) and crushed with the thumb to form of dumplings.

The beans must be soaked in water for a whole night.

Let them then boiled in water seasoned with olive oil and a slice of fresh onion.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce in a pan, on low heat, making it brown the butter, oil, chopped onion, garlic and bacon beaten.

When everything is well browned add the beans and let them season on a low heat after being sprinkled with salt and pepper. Add the tomato sauce and continue cooking to slow fire.

Meanwhile cook pisarei in boiling salted water. After a few minutes come to the surface, drain and pour in the sauce.

Add some grated Grana Padano.

Stefano Goffredo

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