Sardines in “saor” (sweet and sour)

An extremely simple fish recipe, which is so deep-rooted in Venetian culture and life, that it represents the Veneto region itself.
First of all, saor, in Venetian dialect, means “flavour”. Sardines, onions and vinegar: these are its masterly combined ingredients, with a 2:1 ratio, i.e. 2 kilos onions for each kilo sardines.

Ingredients (for 4):
700 g fresh sardines
1,4 Kg white onions
soft wheat flour, as much as needed
peanut oil, as much as needed
extra-virgin olive oil, as much as needed
1 spoonful of sugar
half a glass of wine
2 spoonfuls of raisins (optional)
1 spoonful of pine nuts (optional)


Clean the sardines, taking care to leave the tail attached.
Wash them and close them on themselves recomposing.
Put them in a dish in which you have placed the flour and fry in peanut oil.
Drain and arrange them on a plate with paper towels underneath.
Slice the onions into thin slices and cook them in extra virgin olive oil.
Add salt and pepper and add the sugar and vinegar.
Keep the flame until it evaporates.
Once cooked, add the raisins previously soaked in warm water and the pine nuts.
Arrange the sardines in a pan and cover with hot onions.
Let stand for at least one day sardines and eat them cold.

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