Here come the “super grapes” in Udine the presentation of the grape varieties resistant to diseases

They are ten, five white grapes and five red grapes, the first resistant to diseases grape varieties produced in Italy by researchers at the University of Udine and the Institute for Applied Genomics (Iga) of Udine.

The new varieties will be officially presented Monday, January 18 in Udine (11 am, at the palace Wasserman), at the presence of the delegate of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Salvatore Parlato, and the regional Councillor for the resources of the Regional Agriculture and Forestry, Cristiano Shaurli . The “magnificent ten,” as the udinesi researchers call them, are the fruit of 15 years of work research and of an extraordinary synergy between public and private. The biggest benefit of the new varieties of grapes varieties will be the opportunity to significantly reduce the costs of viticulture, due to savings on treatments. The characteristics of the grape varieties will be presented during the conference entitled “Resist to compete: presentation of the new vine variety”, which will open with the greetings from the rector of the University of Udine, Alberto De Toni, and councilor Christian Shaurli.


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