Cantina Santa Croce

Logo CSC 2Cantina di Santa Croce has a long history with deep roots in the area. It was established in 1907 as an “Association amongst grape producers in the S. Croce and neighbouring districts”. Business began in October 1908 with 54 members and 5,900 quintals of grapes.

Nowadays, the Winery boasts 250 members and can process 130,000 quintals of grapes a year. Attention to quality has resulted in 80% of the grapes used being provided by D.O.C. and I.G.T. vineyards. Mainly Lambrusco Salamino, Lambrusco di Sorbara, Lambrusco Grasparossa and Lancellotta grapes are cultivated.

The headquarters of Cantina di S. Croce is still situated in the same place as it was in far-off 1907, in the heart of the S. Croce district. The area gives its name to classic Lambrusco Salamino di S. Croce, a product that achieves its full potential in these lands. These are special, characteristic grapes that must be skilfully cultivated and to which the local producers are passionately bound. Thus, it is thanks to this great love for the traditional local varietal that the most typical Lambrusco Salamino di S. Croce D.O.C. wine is produced from the grapes grown in this area.

As in the past, Cantina di S. Croce still possesses an acknowledged, firmly rooted and ancient wine-making tradition today and in this rapidly evolving sector, quality continues to be the best means for development and being competitive:

  • quality as a guarantee of the origin and genuineness of its wines, in strict accordance with tradition;
  • quality in the service we provide for our customers;
  • quality as a modern and flexible way to innovate;
  • quality like the men through whom this outlook is expressed.

At the beginning of the third millennium, Cantina di S. Croce has become an important business enterprise in Modena’s wine-making panorama. A modern organization with advanced technologies, a solid membership base that combines innovation and tradition as a means for facing the challenges of the future.


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