Palermo sweet and sour liver


4 liver slices cut not too thick

bread crumbs

2 cloves garlic

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

a teaspoon of granulated sugar

sunflower oil

extra virgin olive oil

sea salt

ground black pepper




Cover the liver slices with bread crumbs and fry in a pan with plenty of vegetable oil. Then remove from the oil and place in a  plate covered  with absorbent paper to remove excess oil.

In another frying pan, heat the sliced garlic cloves in plenty of extra virgin olive oil. Adjust with a pinch of sea salt and a generous sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper; add two tablespoons of red wine vinegar and then the sugar. Then, let it evaporate.Arrange the slices in the pan and season them with the sauce on both sides.

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