Lambrusco, a great wine from Emilia

Lambrusco Modenese
Lambrusco Modenese, with its beautiful brilliant ruby red color and its pleasant carbonation, is a typical product of lands of Emilia that has always been synonymous with simplicity, authenticity and combination with good food. Let’s find out the origins and characteristics of Lambrusco, in a journey that starts in the heart of Emilia to reach even the most remote places in Italy and the world. Lambrusco has an ancient history, that already the literati of the Roman Catone, Virgilio and Varrone described in their works.
Several classical authors in fact bear witness the existence, in the territory of Emilia, a wild vine called “Labrusca vitis”, which grew in the most marginal of cultivated fields and had the distinction of producing grape flavor distinctly sour.
Production area of Lambrusco Modenese

Viticulture in the Modena is the oldest of all of Emilia Romagna, and also boasts of the primacy of accommodate the oldest winery Italian still in business (Cantina Sociale di Carpi) and, as if not enough, another three founded more than a century ago. Currently the area planted covers an area of about 8000 acres, and is aimed at the production of four types of Lambrusco:

Salamino di Santa Croce
Grasparossa di Castelvetro

For the first three Lambruscos (Sorbara, Salamino Santa Croce Grasparossa di Castelvetro) the DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin) was assigned in 1970 but, because of the recent changes to the law, now DOC was converted into PDO (Protected Designation of Origin). Newcomer, ilLambrusco Modena boasts the DOP for a short time, this being designation was awarded only in 2009; all these Lambruscos are valued and protected by the Consortium for the Historic Mark of Modenese Lambrusco (see link at bottom of page). Let’s see in detail the characteristics of the four different Lambruscos DOP gathered in the category “Lambrusco Modenese”.

Lambrusco di Sorbara
This wine is made from the grape of the same name, known precisely as Lambrusco di Sorbara, grown in the area between the rivers Secchia and Panaro: it is a native variety of origins ancient, exclusive of Modenese and very special characteristics. The clusters of Lambrusco di Sorbara are in fact characterized by a high degree of millerandage, or tend to produce many berries of the dimensions of a few millimeters.
This aspect determines the overall scarcity of production, since millerandage produces bunches “skimpy” in a few years the amount of grapes produced is really reduced. but all this is compensated by the very high quality of the final product: the screws, in fact, fail to concentrate in the grapes “normal” all the valuable nutrients, making scented and tasty in a unique way. The maximum production per hectare is 18 tons of grapes, and the yield of Wine grape itself must not exceed 70%. For the production of Lambrusco di Sorbara must be used at least for 60% of the grapes of the vine, with the possible addition of Lambrusco Salamino (for a maximum of 40%) and altriLambruschi, alone or in combination, up to a maximum of 15%. Lambrusco di Sorbara is produced in four different types “red spumante”, “rosé spumante”, “sparkling red” and “Rosé sparkling”. Lambrusco di Sorbara, be it “sparkling” or “spumante”, is characterized by a red (or rosé) light ruby, and it is absolutely the wine clearer between the four varieties of Lambrusco Modenese DOP.
Because of its beautiful violet Lambrusco di Sorbara is also known as “Lambrusco of Viola.” In the case of “spumante”, its foam is slightly pink and the scent is delicate, fresh and fruity, and presents smell a hint of violet that makes it unmistakable. The taste is balanced, fruity and slightly acidic, light bodied and delicate, which makes this wine fit to be eaten young. It can be found also in the types dry (or dry), the bait (or semi-dry), lovable and sweet. The minimum alcoholic strength by volume for the type “spumante” is 11 °, with a total acidity of at least 6 grams of liters; for the “red” the minimum non-reducing extract is 18 g / l, while for the “pinkish” is 16 g / l. The wines “sparkling” are characterized instead by the foam lively, evanescent, and for the title strength by volume of the total minimum amount that is 10.5 °. The minimum total acidity is 6 grams of liter; for the “Red” the minimum non-reducing extract is 18 g / l, while for the “pinkish” is 16 g / l.
Thanks to its characteristics and the tradition that has always distinguished the use in the kitchen, the Lambrusco di Sorbara excellently accompanies the tasty dishes from Emilia: lasagna, pot roast and boiled in particular.

Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce
It is mainly produced (for a minimum of 85%) with grape vine native Lambrusco Salami, with small percentages of other varieties such as Lambrusco and Fortana (known locally as “Uva d’Oro”), for a maximum of 15%. The production area Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce is in the northwestern portion of the province of Modena, mainly located around the territory of Carpi: just the name of this vine, “Santa Cross “, refers to a fraction of this town of Modena. The grapes of this variety are small but compact, with blue-black berries and pulp juicy slightly sour. The Lambrusco Salamino is characterized by a excellent productivity, consistent over time, and the maturation of the grapes takes place in the first decade of the October. The maximum production per hectare is 19 tons, and the yield of wine grape must not exceed il70%.
The Salamino of Santa Croce is produced in four different types “red spumante”, “rosé spumante “,” sparkling red “and” rosé sparkling “. The Salamino Santa Croce “spumante” shows a deep ruby red hues violet and is corollato from a foam of the same purple color, lively and evanescent. The scent is fresh, fruity, persistent and vinous dall’intendo aroma, reminiscent of the scent of ripe fruit. The taste is harmonious, slightly tart and fresh, fruity and medium-bodied, from moderate alcohol; can be found in the types dry (or dry), the bait (or semi-dry), lovable and sweet. The minimum alcoholic strength by volume for the type “spumante” is 11 °, with a total acidity of minimum 6grammi liter; for the “red” the minimum non-reducing extract is 18 g / l, while for the “pinkish” is 16 g / l. The type “sparkling” is very similar to the “spumante”, but is characterized by a title minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of less, and equal to 10.5 °.
The Salamino of Santa Croce is a pleasant and drinkable wine, also appreciated by the most delicate palates and that goes perfectly with the local dishes such as pasta with white sauce, tortellini in broth and roasts.

Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro
Although this wine you get at least 85% from grapes of the vine, Lambrusco Grasparossa, that plant-wide can be joined by other Lambrusco, Malbo Dear and Fortana that contribute to an extent not exceeding 15%. The unique feature of the Lambrusco Grasparossa is that in autumn is not only the leaves turn to hiring Reds turned typical of autumn, but also the stalk and pedicels (that is the mainstay of cluster and each stalk that is attached to the individual berries). This vine is generally not very productive, but frugal and able to adapt well to land poor as, for example, those of the high plains and hills of Modena. Maturation therefore quite late, and the harvest takes place even late October; in the past, you Also, harvesting in mid-November. The clusters are sparse, ie free and berries sparse, a dark blue-black, the thick skin and juicy pulp and slightly sour. The maximum production per hectare is 18 tons, and the yield of wine grapes it must not exceed 70%. The Grasparossa di Castelvetro is produced in four different types “red spumante”, “Rosé spumante”, “sparkling red” and “rosé sparkling”. The type “spumante” is characterized by an intense ruby red color from the beautiful violet with sparkling and evanescent of the same color. The aroma is fruity and draws heavily to that of ripe peach and almond, and is a whole fragrant, intense and distinctly vinous. The taste is balanced, intense and slightly fruity, with a typical aftertaste slightly bitter; can be found in the types dry (or dry) bait (or semi-dry), lovable and sweet. The minimum total alcohol content of 11 percent, with a total acidity minimum 6 grams of liter; minimum non-reducing extract is 18 g / l for the “red” and 16 g / l for the “rosy”. The type “sparkling” is very similar, from the organoleptic point of view, to the “spumante”; is, however, characterized by a total alcoholic strength minimum of 10.5 ° and a total acidity of minimum of 5.5 grams of liter.
The Grasparossa di Castelvetro is suitable to be served with a variety of dishes, from aperitif to dessert. The approach is better with hearty and tasty foods such as pasta with meat sauce, lasagna and roast; one good match is also the one with cured meats and cheeses typical Emilian, but even with aged cheeses or blue cheeses. After the meal, Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro you combines well with pastries or cakes typical of Modena, as, for example, the cake Barozzi (prepared with coffee and dark chocolate) and bensone, simple sweet like a big biscuit.

Lambrusco di Modena
This wine, newcomer (only in 2009) in the category of wines Lambruscos DOP Modena, is product using a blend, or a mixture of different types of grapes. It starts from a “base” composed of at least 85% by different kinds of Lambrusco grown in the province of Modena, while for a maximum of 15% you can use grapes from vineyards Ancellotta Malbo Dear and Fortana. The maximum production of grapes is 23 tonnes per hectare, while the yield Maximum grape in the finished wine must not be greater than 70%. Lambrusco di Modena is product in four main categories: “red spumante”, “rosé spumante”, “sparkling red” and “Rosé sparkling”. The type “red spumante” is characterized by a red
ruby or garnet, intensity variable, and develops a fine and persistent foam. Its scent is wide and floral, delicate and fragrant. The taste can be very different depending on the types: dry (or dry), the bait (or semi-dry), sweet or sweet; is always balanced with a hint of yeast. the type “Rosé spumante” is instead characterized by a nice pink color, more or less intense, which form a fine and persistent foam. The scent is pleasant, with strong fruity and floral notes. the total alcoholic strength minimum of 11 percent and the minimum total acidity of 5.5 grams per liter of both types, “red” and “pink”; the extract is minimum non-reducing instead of 18 g / l for the “red” and 16 g / l for “pinkish”. The types “sparkling” are very similar to their counterparts “spumante”, except for the sparkling and evanescent and the minimum total alcoholic strength by volume, which is 10.5 °. All types are very well adapted to pasta with meat sauce, succulent dishes based meat as loins and roasts and salami from Emilia.

from Vino in cantina

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