Lycopene in tomatoes: better a good sauce or an antiaging cream?

More powerful than a wrinkle cream, the meat sauce of tomato, plays an antiaging on epithelial cells through Lycopene, a carotenoid content mainly in red tomatoes. Cooking it it increases the antioxidant power.

Dr. Chiara Manzi:

There is a substance that protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, in fact, is an effective antioxidant for the singlet oxygen, the more powerful free radical, which is produced with the light and it deteriorates skin cells. This substance also facilitates the elimination of toxins and inhibits growth of cancer cells, especially if associated to vitamin E.
It is not a supplement, not found in wrinkle creams, or in expensive medicines. You can find it in the tomato sauce, preferably long cooked!
Lycopene is a carotenoid mainly contained in red tomatoes. It is not synthesized by the body but is absorbed very well by the intestine. Cooking increases the antioxidant power:
The heat releases him from the cell walls of the tomato, increasing of five times its intestinal absorption, and breaking its molecular structure makes it more active at the cellular level. Cooking fat facilitates the absorption and if this fat is an oil rich in vitamin E antitumor action of lycopene is emphasized.
Lycopene protects our skin much more than a wrinkle cream as it gets inside of cells, where the creams instead act only from the outside.

Here is a chart showing a comparison of the foods with the highest antioxidant power.

Food…………………Lycopene……Vitamin C…….BCarotene
Pink grapefruit ………. 1,419…………..31.2…………..686
Water melon…………..4.532…………….8,1…………..303

Source: “Antiaging con Gusto, A scuola di cucina per restare giovani.” Sperling&Kupfer 2014

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