Sfingi (potato pancakes)

ricetta di Martino Ragusa

Sicilian pancakes of Arabic origin as evidenced by the name that derives from arabic word sfang (sponge).
An oldest version does not include potatoes (sfingi d’ ova).
This one too is a recipe from Aunt Giuseppina

Ingredients for 4 people

2 eggs
300 grams of flour 00
300 grams of potatoes
10 grams of yeast
plenty of olive oil or peanut oil
a pinch of salt
Seal: cooked grape must, or honey, or sugar mixed with cinnamon powder


Boil the potatoes with the skin depositing them in cold water and lightly salted.frittelle-sfinge-2
Peel, mash let cool and puree.
Dissolve yeast in half a cup of milk barely warm.
Beat well with a whisk the eggs whole into a large bowl.
Add the potatoes puree, add the yeast dissolved in milk and mix well.
When you’ve got an homogeneous and semi-liquid pasta let it rise in a warm place for two hours.
Take spoonfuls of the creamy mixture and fry in already warm oil.
At first, the compound will precipitate to the bottom, then it will immediately float assuming the form of a ball.
Stir the balls until are golden in all parts.
Put them into a drain in a colander, then on kitchen paper.
Season with honey, or with cooked must or sugar mixed with cinnamon powder

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